Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Baby #3

I was sick again over the weekend. No poker but at least I was well enough to make it into work yesterday so I didn't use up any more sick leave of which I need here VERY shortly. Feeling much better today. I'm hoping to get some poker in tonight at the virtual tables but we shall see. My posts will most probably be more sporadic as they already are due to baby #3 scheduled for Friday. I'm very excited to be adding to the family and the in-laws will be in town for a week and a half starting Wednesday. Things will obviously be slightly hectic with the new baby added to our 3 year old son and 2 year old daughter along with out of town guests (helpers) in the house. I envision little to no poker for several weeks..........but I'm not going to mind it a bit this time.

Good luck to everyone in life and at the tables. Will report back when I can.

Baz Out