Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Quick thoughts

I hope everyone enjoyed bringing in the New Year........it's been hectic thus far for me and I ended up not playing last night online as I got home from work late and am still adjusting to getting back up early........I'm always up by 7 or 7:30 am with two kids 3 and under but when I spent the whole extended weekend staying up until 1 am it made it tough to get to sleep at a decent time Sunday night even though I knew I had to be up early for back to work Monday.........should have been at the tables instead of lying in bed until 12am thinking I need to be sleeping.

There is no internet at my in-laws house..........hell........they just got satellite TV 2 years ago......but it's always a good time hanging out there........I have great in-laws......really laid back folks that make everyone feel welcome. My brother-in-law was there as well and we have an ongoing head to head no limit hold em contest going for $5 each game........it's good fun. We finished even over the course of the weekend.......kind of like kissing your sister.

Probably won't be hitting the tables tonight with the USC vs. Oklahoma game on tonight.....we will see how it goes.

Eventually I will get back on track and get back rolling.......2005 is starting off sluggish for me.....my apologies.....

I also need to update my blogroll and pimp some sites I frequent.

Hopefully I'll get that chance this afternoon.
